Thursday, December 24, 2009

Poems in progress

I take a deep breath and feel joy
I want others to have the same satisfaction
I can only point those willing to listen in the right direction
I also continue to grow when learning from another
If you breathe in the positive you can be my brother

A daughter is a gift from God

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Avatar The movie is awesome. So what if it is a little simplistic. Do not anys review dissuade you from seeing it! The message of the movie is very powerful. It is almost spiritual. It gets the message across clearly to be happy you must do the right thing. Only that will guarantee your spirit eternal happiness and peace regardless of what typre of body human or otherwsie your spirit is temporarily contained

This move has inspired me to get a tattoo some day. It is that profound. It makes you want to be alive and really want to always see the righteous win. The true righteous! The ones who are pure of heart such as a Mother Theresa or Ghandi. So It may not be the first tattoo but some day I am simply going to tattoo on my arm some inspiration whose seed started the night I saw Avatar. God bless mankind and all my spiritual brothers who believe in righteousness for the pure of heart regardless of what race, sex or sentient type of being they are.